Create ECS Cluster

You now create an AWS ECS Cluster that uses the task definition from the previous section.

1. Go to AWS ECS console.

2. In the left sidebar,

  • Choose Clusters.
  • Click Create cluster.


3. In the Cluster configuration section, enter fcj for Cluster name.


4. Scroll down to the bottom, click Create.


You next create an ECS service that run the AWSome Books application at scale.

5. In the Services tab of your newly created fcj ECS cluster details page, click Create.


6. In the Environment section, select Launch type for Compute options.


7. In the Deployment configuration section,

  • For Family, choose awsome-books (LATEST should be your default Revision).
  • For Service name, enter awsome-books.


  • For Desired tasks, enter 2.
  • For Deployment type, choose Blue/green deployment (powered by AWS CodeDeploy).
  • For Service role for CodeDeploy, choose ecsCodeDeployRole.


8. In the Networking section,

  • For VPC, choose the VPC named fcj.
  • For Subnets, select subnets fcj-private-02 and fcj-private-05.
  • For Security group, select fcj-ecs-fargate.
  • For Public IP, leave it as Turned off.


9. In the Load balancing section,

  • For Load balancer type, choose Application Load Balancer.
  • For Application Load Balancer, select Use an existing load balancer.
  • For Load balancer, choose fcj-alb.


  • For Target group 1 name, enter blue-tg-fcj-awsome-books.
  • For Deregistration delay, enter 10.


Enter the same for target group 2, replace Target group 2 name as green-tg-fcj-awsome-books instead.

10. In the Service auto scaling section,

  • Tick Use service auto scaling.
  • For Minimum number of tasks, enter 2.
  • For Maximum number of tasks, enter 4.
  • For Scaling policy type, choose Target tracking.
  • For Policy name, enter target-tracking-policy.
  • For ECS service metric, select ECSServiceAverageCPUUtilization.


  • For Target value, enter 70.
  • For Scale-out cooldown period, enter 60.
  • For Scale-in cooldown period, enter 60.


11. Scroll down to the bottom, click Create.


12. ECS tasks are going to pull container image from ECR repository through VPC endpoints. You should see 2 running ECS tasks in the awsome-books ECS service after a while. You cannot, however, access these tasks directly or via Application Load Balancer since they are all private in the VPC without Internet access configurations.


13. Go to AWS CodeDeploy console.

14. In the left sidebar,

  • Expand the Deploy - CodeDeploy dropdown.
  • Select Applications.
  • Click AppECS-fcj-awsome-books.


15. In the details page of your CodeDeploy Application,

  • For Name, note down the CodeDeploy Application name.
  • Select the Deployment groups tab.
  • For the Name column, note down the CodeDeploy Deployment Group name.