Create Application Load Balancer

You will set up a separate AWS Application Load Balancer rather than creating one from the AWS ECS service, which will result in AWS ECS Fargate tasks and Application Load Balancer network interfaces in the same subnets and using the same security groups.

1. Go to AWS EC2 console.

2. In the left sidebar,

  • Choose Load Balancers.
  • Click Create load balancer dropdown.
  • Select Create Application Load Balancer.


3. In the Basic configuration section,

  • For Load balancer name, enter fcj-alb.
  • For Scheme, choose Internal.


4. In the Network mapping section,

  • For VPC, choose VPC named fcj.
  • For Availability Zones, select subnets fcj-private-01 and fcj-private-04, corresponding to AZs us-east-1a and us-east-1b, respectively.


5. In the Security groups section, select fcj-alb.


6. In the Listeners and routing section, click Create target group to go to the Create target group console. You will go back this section later to continue the load balancer configuration.


7. In the Basic configuration section,

  • For Choose a target type, choose IP addresses.
  • For Target group name, enter fcj.


8. Scroll down to the bottom. Click Next.


9. Scroll down to the bottom. Click Create target group.


10. Back to the Listeners and routing section in step 6, choose the target group named fcj.


11. Scroll down to the bottom. Click Create load balancer.


Since you are going to use listener and target group created from AWS ECS service for Blue / Green deployment, you next delete existing ones.

12. In the details console of your newly created load balancer, scroll down to the bottom,

  • Choose Listeners and rules tab.
  • Select the listener with port 80 and forward to target group fcj settings.
  • Click the Manage listener dropdown.
  • Choose Delete listener.


13. Enter confirm and then click Delete.


14. Go to AWS EC2 console.

15. In the left sidebar,

  • Choose Target Groups.
  • Choose the fcj target group.
  • Click the Actions dropdown.
  • Click Delete.


16. Click Yes, delete.