Create AWS ECR

You now create a AWS ECR private repository and push a dummy Docker image to it.

1. Go to AWS ECR console.

2. Click Create.


3. In the General settings section,

  • For Visibility settings, choose Private.
  • For Repository name, enter awsome-books.
  • For Tag immutability, enable it.


4. Scroll down to the bottom, click Create repository.


5. Turn on Docker Desktop or any program that can build and push your Docker image to AWS ECR repository. This workshop will use Docker Desktop as an example.


6. Clone the following repository

git clone

7. Change the directory to the repository you have just cloned.

cd ip-printer

8. Run the following commands to build and push Docker image to AWS ECR repository,

  • Retrieve an authentication token and authenticate your Docker client to your registry. Replace <YOUR-AWS-ACCOUNT-ID> with yours. Use the AWS CLI,
aws ecr get-login-password --region us-east-1 | docker login --username AWS --password-stdin <YOUR-AWS-ACCOUNT-ID>
  • Build your Docker image.
docker build -t awsome-books .
  • After the build completes, tag your image so you can push the image to this repository. Replace <YOUR-AWS-ACCOUNT-ID> with yours.
docker tag awsome-books:latest <YOUR-AWS-ACCOUNT-ID>
  • Push the image to your AWS ECR repository. Replace <YOUR-AWS-ACCOUNT-ID> with yours.
docker push <YOUR-AWS-ACCOUNT-ID>

9. Check out your AWS ECR private repository to find the Docker image with the tag v0.0.0. Make a note of the Image URI using the Copy URI button for a later use.