Your Second Rollback Workflow Execution

Let’s try to revert to the v0.0.0 version.

1. On your remote awsome-books repository,

  • Select the Actions tab.
  • Choose the Rollback workflow.
  • Expand the Run workflow dropdown.
  • Enter the value v0.0.0.
  • Click Run workflow.


2. The second Rollback workflow execution should be triggered.


3. In your Slack Workspace, a notification has been sent to the aws-codedeploy channel, indicating that the CodeDeploy Deployment has been triggered. Click the AWS CodeDeploy Notification to access the AWS CodeDeploy Deployment console.


4. In the CodeDeploy Deployment console, wait for the deployment of the replacement task set to complete and for traffic to be directed to the new task set.


5. Access the AWSome Books project with the AWS API Gateway endpoint you have noted down in step 9 in 9.2 Create AWS API Gateway with the books resource. You should receive a Not Found response, as the v0.0.0 version only returns the private IP addresses of the ECS tasks.


In the absence of the books resource, the response might be the private IP addresses of the ECS tasks.


6. Click Terminate original task set.


7. You should receive a success notification from AWS CodeDeploy in the aws-codedeploy channel, delivered through AWS Chatbot.


8. Additionally, the gha-release channel will likely receive a success notification for your Rollback workflow.