1. Go to AWS Chatbot console.
2. In the Configure a chat client section,
3. Click Allow.
4. Click Configure new channel.
5. In the Configuration details section, enter fcj-slack
for Configuration name. Next, you might need go to Slack Workspace to get the required channel ID.
6. Navigate to your Slack Workspace created in 4.2 Create Slack Channels.
7. In the opening modal,
8. Return to your AWS Chatbot configuration console, in the Slack channel section.
9. In the Permissions section,
.10. In the Notifications - optional section, select US East - N. Virginia for Region 1.
11. Scroll down to the bottom, click Configure.
12. Note down the chat configuration ARN.
13. Go to AWS CodeDeploy console.
14. In the left sidebar,
15. Expand the Notify dropdown, click Create notification rule.
16. In the Notification rule settings section,
.17. In the Events that trigger notifications, click Select all.
18. In the Targets section,
19. Navigate to your Slack Workspace created in 4.2 Create Slack Channels.
20. Filter with value aws
, click Add for AWS Chatbot.
21. Click Add to Slack.
22. Back to your Slack Workspace, enter invite @aws
in the aws-codedeploy channel and then click send icon.
23. Click Invite Them.