In this section, let’s experiment by running two workflow executions without concurrency group. Let’s find out what happens!
1. Make sure you are still in the right project folder.
cd path/to/experiment-5-6-7
2. Add the following content to file.
echo "experiment 5: the first workflow execution!" >
3. Make your first commit and push to the remote repository.
git add . && git commit -m "experiment 5: the first workflow execution" && git push --set-upstream origin main
4. On your remote repository, click the Actions tab, you should see that a workflow execution has been triggered.
5. On your local repository, update the file with the following content.
echo "experiment 5: the second workflow execution!" >
6. Make another commit and push to the remote repository.
git add . && git commit -m "experiment 5: the second workflow execution" && git push
7. On your remote repository, under the Actions tab, while the first workflow execution is running, you may notice that another workflow has been triggered and is now running as well.
As you can see, GitHub Actions enables multiple workflow runs to occur simultaneously by default, which can lead to the drawbacks we discussed in 14.1 You Might Want A Single Workflow Execution At A Time!.