Prepare Source Code

You are going to set up the required codebase first.

1. Go to your GitHub organization created in 4.1 Create AWSome Books Repository.

  • Click the dropdown.
  • Select New repository.


2. Fill out the following information.

  • For Owner, choose fcj-workshops-2024.
  • For Repository name, enter experiment-5-6-7
  • Select Public option.


3. Scroll down to the botttom. Click Create repository.


4. Choose your favorite workspace on your local machine. Next, create and move to the experiment folder.

mkdir experiment-5-6-7 && cd experiment-5-6-7

5. Initialize the local git repository.

git init

6. Link to the remote repository that you have just created.

git remote add origin

7. Create .github/workflows/main.yml file.

mkdir -p .github/workflows && touch .github/workflows/main.yml

8. Add the following content to .github/workflows/main.yml file:

name: main

    branches: ["main"]

    runs-on: ubuntu-latest
      - name: Extend the workflow duration by an additional 300 seconds.
        run: sleep 300

Overall, this workflow serves a very basic purpose: it will trigger whenever there is a push to the main branch and will extend the execution time by 300 seconds for testing or to simulate a longer running job.

Next, let’s dive into the fifth experiment without utilizing the concurrency group.