After completing your third execution of the CI workflow, you might discover that GitHub required all of the checks to pass in order for the pull request to be merged into the main branch.
1. Make sure you are still in the right project folder.
cd path/to/awsome-books
2. In your local repository, checkout to the main branch.
git checkout main
3. Use the following command to pull the latest codebase from the remote main branch.
git pull
4. Create and switch to another branch named ruleset-experiment.
git checkout -b ruleset-experiment
5. Run the following command to modify file. Remember that your build-image job still run exit 1.
echo "ruleset experiment!" >
6. Make a commit and push to the remote ruleset-experiment repository.
git add . && git commit -m "ruleset experiment" && git push --set-upstream origin ruleset-experiment
7. Go to the AWSome Books remote repository. Click Compare & pull request.
8. Click Create pull request.
9. Wait for the jobs to complete. You may notice that the Merge pull request button is now disabled because not all jobs have passed. Your main branch is now secure from any unverified code.
You next modifies the CI workflow to get all the jobs run successfully.
10. In .github/workflows/ci.yml file on your local machine, remove the run: exit 1 step from the buid-image job.
11. Make a commit and then push to the remote ruleset-experiment branch.
git add . && git commit -m "remove failed job" && git push
12. In your pull request details page, the CI workflow should rerun again.
13. Wait for all the jobs have completed, you then should see the Merge pull request button enable again. Click it.
14. Click Delete Branch.