You are going to create variables to use across multiple workflows, defining them at the repository level.
Discover how to efficiently store and manage information in variables within GitHub Actions here.
1. Go to the repository that you have created in 4.1 Create AWSome Books Repository. Click Settings.
2. In the left sidebar, click Secrets and variables dropdown and then select Actions.
3. Select Variables tab. In the Repository variables section, click New repository variable.
4. In the New variable console,
.5. Click New repository variable to add another variable.
6. Repeat steps 4 and 5 for the other variables, using the information from the table below as a guide.
Name | Value |
PROJECT | awsome-books |
ROLE_TO_ASSUME | enter the role ARN you have created in step 18 in 4.3.1 Create GitHub Actions Role |
CODEDEPLOY_APPLICATION | enter the CodeDeploy Application name that you have noted down in step 15 in 7.2 Create ECS Cluster |
CODEDEPLOY_APPLICATION_GROUP | enter the CodeDeploy Deployment Group name that you have noted down in step 15 in 7.2 Create ECS Cluster |
By the end, you should have a total of 8 variables configured at the repository level.