The most interesting part here! In this section, you are going to deploy AnimeHub to the AWS infrastructure provisoned with Terraform Cloud.
1. Go to your GitHub profile<your-github-username>
. Mine is, for example.
2. Click the dropdown and select New repository.
3. Name the repository workshop-1-tf-web-app
4. Leave the other settings as default. Scroll down to the bottom of the page. Click Create repository.
5. You next set up the secrets required for the GitHub Actions to work. Click Settings in your newly created empty repository.
6. In the left sidebar, Click the Secrets and variables dropdown and then select Actions.
7. Click New repository secret.
8. Name the secrect AWS_REGION
and the value is us-east-1
. Click Add secrect.
9. Do the same for other secrects listed below:
Secrect Name | Value |
ECR_REPOSITORY | workshop-1 |
ECS_CLUSTER_NAME | dev-workshop-1 |
S3_BUCKET_NAME | dev-workshop-1 |
GHA_ROLE_FOR_DEPLOYING_BACKEND | Enter the value you got from step 20 in the 5.6 App Module section |
GHA_ROLE_FOR_DEPLOYING_FRONTEND | Enter the value you got from step 17 in the 5.7 Web Module section |
10. After completing the previous step, you got the following secrects.
11. Clone this repository.
git clone
12. Move inside the local repository you have just cloned.
cd workshop-1-web-app
13. Remove the current .git folder.
rm -rf .git
14. Initialize the local repository and link to the remote repository. Replace <your-github-username> with your GitHub username.
git init && \
git remote add origin<your-github-username>/workshop-1-web-app.git
15. Push the first commit to the remote repository.
git add . && \
git commit -m "first commit" && \
git push --set-upstream origin main
16. Create a git tag with the provided version and message.
git tag -a "v1.0.0" -m "release v1.0.0"
17. Push the tag to the GitHub repository.
git push --follow-tags
18. Click Actions tab on your GitHub repository.
19. You will see GitHub Actions trigger two workflows that deploy AnimeHub’s frontend and backend. Check out deploy-frontend.yml and deploy-backend.yml files in .github/workflows folder to discover more how AnimeHub deployment workflows work.
20. Wait for the workflows to complete.
21. Go to AWS ECR console.
22. In the left sidebar, click Repositories under the Private registry dropdown. Click the workshop-1 image repository.
23. Click Images, you then see your newly pushed image with v1.0.0 tag.
24. Go to AWS ECS console.
25. In the left sidebar, click Task definitions and then the app task definition.
26. Choose the most recent app, app:2 in this case.
27. Scroll down to the Containers section, click container-1.
28. Your task definition now use the new image you just pushed.
29. Check out AnimeHub at at your domain name. Mine is, for example. Yes! you are successfully access AnimeHub with https and your own domain name.
30. Let us try to share something with other Anime fans worldwide. Click Share.
31. Fill out the Anime Name field as Naruto Shippuden - Chapter 391
, the Link field as
, and the Description field as The Returns of Uchiha Madara
. Otherwise, post your favorite anime instead. Click Submit.
32. Hurray! Your anime goes out to anime enthusiasts worldwide. You can share the link to your friends. Click Watch to enjoy now.